
Wills, legacies and gifts

Remember us in your will so we can carry on caring

At St. Rocco’s Hospice we believe in making every day count. Leaving a gift in your will is a loving act of kindness that will live forever.

Thank you for considering including St. Rocco's Hospice in your Will.

St. Rocco's could not have continued to provide specialist care to the people of Warrington over all these years without the many kind and generous gifts that people have left to us in their Wills.

Our care is provided free of charge to patients but only a fifth of our costs are provided by the NHS and the Government. As a registered charity we rely on fundraising and donations to enable us to continue to deliver our care.

One in six of our patients at St. Rocco's is already supported through Gifts in Wills. So you can see that this kind of donation, whether it be small or large, is so important to our patients and their families.

If you would like to take part in Will Month 2024, you can read more about it and find the contact details of the solicitors involved here: Make a Will Month

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a Will?

Amending an existing Will

What does a gift in my Will help to provide?

What difference does a gift in my Will make?

Understanding the language used in Wills

Our Legacy Promise

Background Image

Considering including us?

We are very honoured that you are

Speak directly to someone at the hospice about making a gift in your Will


Making every day count

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