Complementary Therapy
What is Complementary Therapy?
Complementary therapies are derived from therapies used by the Ancient Egyptians, North American Indians and Chinese. Complementary therapies can be used alongside conventional medicine. Complementary therapists adopt a holistic approach by looking at the ‘whole person’ in order to promote physical and psychological health.
Who is Complementary Therapy for?
Complementary Therapy sessions are usually offered in four to six week sessions and are available to both patients and carers.
Our therapists adapt treatments to suit individual needs, taking into account a patient’s medical history. Therapies can help to
- ease the side effects of medical treatments
- boost the immune system
- ease stress
- calm the nerves
Patients and carers benefit from being given time to rest and relax the mind and body. This in turn leads to in increased sense of wellbeing.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a palliative illness, please phone the Warrington Integrated Pallative Care Hub on 0333 3661066 for advice and support.
What is available?
There is a range of treatments available.
We will discuss your needs with you to decide what therapy would be most beneficial for you.

This treatment uses essential oils form plants, flowers and herbs which have therapeutic properties and are usually applied through massage.
Each oil has different properties and we will select oils to ease particular symptoms, whether these be physical or psychological.
Most patients find facials, back or foot massage calming, comforting and relaxing.
This is a treatment applied to the nerve endings in the feet.
The feet can be thought of as mirrorin the whole body; for example the big toe represents the head and the ball fo the foot the ling and chest area.
Through massage and pressure point stimulation of the feet using oil, cream relaxation of the whole body can be induced and symptoms eased.

This is a Japanese word meaning ‘Universal Life Energy’. It is the energy that is all around us.
During a treatment the therapist places their hands lightly on the body from head to toes. Reiki helps to restore balance and energy within an individual.
It treats the whole person, the body, emotions mind and spirit. It induces beneficial effects including relaxation, peace, serenity and wellbeing.
Indian Head Massage
This is a wonderfully relaxing treatment and includes a shoulder and neck massage.
The treatment soothes and calms the mind, eases headaches and reduces tension in the shoulders. It can be applied with or without oil.

Relaxation is offered in group sessions which last for an hour and we offer both patient only and patient and carer sessions.
The benefits of relaxation therapy can be to help manage pain, reduce stress, anxiety and muscle tension and symptoms such as breathlessness.
It can also help to promote sleep. As part of the session patients/carers can choose from foot, hand or facial massage. It includes a guided meditation/relaxation CD which allows patients and carers to practice the relaxation techniques at home.
This is a gentle, chair-based therapy based around meditation postures and relaxation.
The sessions are adapted to meet the needs of those attending.

Get in touch
Call on 0333 3661066 or email
Making every day count

Inpatient Care
Our 10 bed Inpatient unit is bright and welcoming. Built around an internal courtyard our rooms have ensuite facilities and overlook our hospice gardens.
Inpatient Care

Integrated Palliative Care Hub
We work with local care providers, GPs, district nurses, Macmillan nurses, specialist nurses and other health and social care professionals to coordinate and provide the best possible care.
Integrated Palliative Care Hub

Counselling & Emotional Care
We offer emotional and psychological support to patients and their families through our Counselling and Emotional Care Service as well as Bereavement support.
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