
Get involved with St Rocco's

We have many different ways for you to get involved!

Fundraising FAQs

I want to organise my own event to raise money for St. Rocco’s – can I do that?

I’m not sure how to fundraise – can you help?

How do I pay in the money I have raised?

Can St. Rocco’s help me promote my event?

Do you have any branded materials like collection buckets, posters etc that can help me?

How do I set up a JustGiving page?

How do I set up a Facebook Fundraising page?

Can you send someone to speak at my event?

What is the best way to contact the fundraising team?

How will the money raised be used?

What is Gift aid?

What fundraiser should I do?

Planning tips

How to promote your event

How to pay donations

Say thank you and well done!

Making every day count

<h2><strong>Volunteering Opportunities</strong></h2>

Volunteering Opportunities

We wouldn't be able to care for our patients and families without our amazing volunteers helping us in all sorts of ways. 


<h2><strong>Our Shops</strong></h2>

Our Shops

Our shops stock a range of goods including electricals, furniture, clothing, jewellery, toys and wedding wear and our award winning eBay store.

Our Shops

<h2><strong>Events &amp; Campaigns</strong></h2>

Events & Campaigns

There's something for everyone in this years calendar of Fundraising, Community and Challenge events. 


<h2><strong>Play the Lottery</strong></h2>

Play the Lottery

Find out how you can sign up for just £1 per week, purchase single tickets and read our winners stories. 

