Swimming with Sharks
Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks, Cheshire, CH65 9LF
Dive into your next adventure and swim with sharks while raising funds for St. Rocco’s Hospice
Take on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to swim with a range of sharks, including 10ft Nurse Sharks, Blacktip Sharks, two types of Bamboo Sharks, Arabian and Brown Banded, Southern Stingrays, Blackchin Guitar Fish & magnificent aquatic fish.
This exciting adventure will not only push your limits but will help us to continue to provide our care which is completely free to those who need us.
To begin your adventure, we ask for a deposit of £100 deposit when booking and a minimum sponsorship of £400 per person. Register your interest today by contacting: events@stroccos.org.uk and a member of the Events Team will be in touch.
Each participant can take along 2 spectators free of charge and then spend the rest of the day exploring Blue Planet Aquarium. There are also discounts available for extra spectators.
Please note that there are medical restrictions to be aware of and we kindly ask you to carefully read the terms and conditions before registering, which you can find here.
For more information about the Swimming with Sharks adventure click here.
To find out more about our other challenge events click here.

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