Integrated Palliative Care Hub
We want to make it as easy as possible for palliative patients to access the right support, quickly and efficiently, with just one phone call.
The hub is based here at St Rocco's, and aims to reduce confusion and delay for palliative patients, giving a coordinated approach to their care across different services in Warrington.
We work with local care providers, GPs, district nurses, Macmillan nurses, specialist nurses and other health and social care professionals to coordinate and provide the best possible care.
Patients, carers or health professionals can call the Hub on 0333 3661066 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-4.30pm Saturday & Sunday. Here you will speak to a specialist nurse, who will chat to you about your circumstances and work with you to coordinate your care.
Professional referrals can also be sent here.
What is Palliative care?
Palliative care describes the physical, psychological and social care and support given to people who have an illness or disease that cannot be cured.
The goal of palliative care is to achieve the best possible quality of life for patients and to help with concerns of the patients and their families.
Who can access the Integrated Palliative Care Hub?
Anyone can access the hub for information or support regarding palliative care services.
Who do you need to tell?
Please advise all medical/nursing staff you come in contact with that you are registered with the Palliative Care Hub in order for us all to work together to optimise your support.
Do we need access to your medical information?
In order to provide and coordinate this service, we need to access your medical information. We will need permission to access this information. If we have not obtained your permission in advance, we may ask for it when you call the helpline. Following your call/referral we will review what services will best meet your needs that you have raised and then make sure that you receive a call or appointment to discuss the services that are required.
We will keep your details securely so that if you need any further support advice or service we will have a record and this will reduce the time and repetition of future calls or referral to other services/information. In order to maintain and develop services we may from time to time ask you to complete satisfaction survey/ patient feedback of how you felt the services worked and how it may be improved. Our priority is to ensure palliative patients get a co-ordinated approach to services that match the individual needs of every patient.
Pallative Care Hub
Patients, carers or health professionals can call the Hub on 0333 3661066 between 9am-5pm Mon to Fri and 8.30am-4.30pm Sat & Sun.
Call 03333 661066
Make a referral
Are you a healthcare professional looking to make a referral? Access our downloadable referral form .
Send a referral request to St Rocco's.

Inpatient Care
Our 10 bed Inpatient unit is bright and welcoming. Built around an internal courtyard our rooms have ensuite facilities and overlook our hospice gardens.
Inpatient Care

Counselling & Emotional Care
We offer emotional and psychological support to patients and their families through our Counselling and Emotional Care Service as well as Bereavement support.
Find out more